Linguistic History:
Originated with Celtic language, which was later influenced by language of the invading Normans.
Galway is the major city. Largely rural (rivers, lakes, pains, and beaches attract tourists) and noted for its continuance of Irish traditions
Common occupations:
Unemployed (influenced by potato famine)
Dialect Characteristics
There is a heavy “r” before another consonant.
The consonant “l” is dark, liquid, and the bottom of the tongue curls upward (retroflex). The liquid l is key to this dialect!
Placement is a bit between RP and General American. Relaxed jaw.
Vowels are lengthened before “r”
TH/th are often replaced by d/t
For yes-no questions, often has falling intonation at the end of the sentence.
Musical dialect: play around with pitch patterns! Take care not to get too "sing-y" nor too repetitive in your vocal patterns.
And that was the sort of thing he wanted to tell me, you see.
I know I met him in the road a short time ago.
Would you care to go out?
Like I said to yous, that’s really very true, and sure you’ll be after knowin’ the truth of it, somewhere along the road anyway.
It’s now what you’re thinking at all, I can assure you.
Sure, and that’ll be the end of it.
I’m just taking a break from my work; I’m reading the papers.
Wait til I tell you what I read in the papers, says I.
I never heard the like in my life.
Tomorrow I can do anything I want.
He went down south there and the words stuck in his mouth.
Northwest Irish Plays
Dancing at Lughnasa by Brian Friel
Dolly West’s Kitchen by Frank McGuinness
Pumpgirl by Abbie Spallen
Translations by Brian Friel
Philadelphia, Here I Come! by Brian Friel
Video Links
YouTube Accent Challenge:
News clip from "Plain Speaking" about hurling: