Liverpool Dialect
Became major port in Industrial Revolution and was influenced dialectically by Irish and Welsh workers
Perceived as untrustworthy and unintelligent
Slightly swallowed placement
Northern vowels: note the Scottish influence
Æn’ mɑi lIɁl storƐi Iz ðæd It wΛs mɑi bΛθdƐi lɑ/æst
And my little story is that it was my birthday last
SɑtΛ(r)dƐi ɑnd Ɛm wi— mi ænd mɑI fæm’li mƐɁ fΛh lontʃ
Saturday and em we— me and my family met for lunch
ol ð’ lƐidiz Λv ðΛ fæm’li Ɛh, mɑi æntis, mɑi sIstΛ’,
all the ladies of the family eh, my aunties, my sister,
mi dotΛh, mɑI kozIns ænd, Λh, wi hæd Λ grƐIt
me daughter, my cousins and, uh, we had a great
tɑim hæd Λ fju drInks ænd Λ lΛvli lontʃ æn’ mɑi
time had a few drinks and a lovely lunch and my
ɑnti wΛz sƐvƐnti so It wΛs Λ dobl sƐlƐbrƐiʃΛn. okƐi?
auntie was seventy so it was a double celebration. Okay?