Ʌm, wƐn ɑI wɅzs Ʌ kI(d) wiθ mɑI pƐrƐnts wi jusd t’ go fIʃIŋ εɅm
Um, when I was a kid with my parents we used to go fishing um
ӕnd mɑI lɑIn gɑt kɑot ӕt θɅ bɑtɅm Ʌv θIs lεIk ɑn Ʌ lɑg or
and my line got caught at the bottom of this lake on a log or
sɅmθIŋ ӕn’ so ɑIm pɅlIŋ It ӕut mɑI stεpdӕd sεs tεIk Ʌ stεp bӕk ӕnd ɑI
something and so I’m pulling it out my stepdad says take a step back and I
tʊk It lIt’rɅlI ӕn’ ɑI wɅz stʊd ɑn θi vεri εnd Ʌv θIs pir tʊk Ʌ
took it literally and I was stood on the very end of this pier took a
stεp bӕk Intu ðɅ pɒnd lεik θIŋ Ʌm ӕnd mɑI hol fӕmIli Iz ɑn θɅ flor
step back into the pond lake thing um and my whole family is on the floor
wεtIŋ ðεmsεlvs ðεj kɑnt muv for lɑftɅ(r) so nɅn Ʌv ðm kӕn hεlp mi
wetting themselves they can’t move for laughter so none of them can help me
Ʌp Ʌpɑrt for mɑI stεpdӕd ɑI fɑInɑli gεt ӕut ӕnd mɑI mɅms tεkIŋ mi θɅ
up apart for my stepdad I finally get out and my mom’s taking me the
lεnθ Ʌrӕund θIs lεIk t’ go bӕk t’ ðɅ kɑ(r) ӕnd ɑIm hɑf lӕfIŋ hɑf krɑjIŋ
length around this lake to go back to the car and I’m half laughing half crying
bikɅz εvri stεp ɑIm goIŋ skwεltʃ skwεltʃ skwεltʃ skwεltʃ skwεltʃ mɑI mɅms
because every step I’m going squelch squelch squelch squelch squelch my mom’s
trɑjIŋ tu hold It tugεðər bikɅz ðӕts ɑl ʃi kӕn hiɅ(r) so wi gεt t’ ðɅ kɑ(r)
trying to hold it together because that’s all she can hear so we get to the car
pɑ(r)k ӕn’ mɑI mɅm tεls mi t’ tεk mɑI kloθs ɑf so ʃi kӕn pʊt hər kot ɑn
park and my mom tells me to take my clothes off so she can put her coat on
mi so ɑI wont gεt kold ӕnd Its ӕt ðIs point ðӕt ɅnɅðər kɑr wIθ ɅnɅðər fӕmIli
me so I won’t get cold and it’s at this point that another car with another family
disɑI(d)z tu drɑIv In. It wɅz vεri εmbεrɅsIŋ
decides to drive in. It was very embarrassing.